• Fresh Breath Spray 150ml

    Beaphar Fresh Breath Spray is an easy-to-use product which will keep pet’s mouth hygienic, and help to keep the teeth cleaner

  • Mouth Wash 250ml

    Beaphar Mouth Wash is added to dog’s drinking water to counteract bad breath. Bacteria and food particles cause plaque to form on teeth,
    causing tooth and gum decay, leading to bad breath. Beaphar Mouth Wash contains enzymes that fight bad bacteria and reduce the formation of plaque. This easy to use product complements dog’s regular dental care regime. As pets drinks periodically throughout the day, he/she will benefit from this method of oral hygiene all day long. Also suitable for puppies and kittens from 6 months of age

  • Tooth Gel 100g

    Beaphar Tooth gel offers daily protection for pet’s teeth. The gel counteracts plaque and prevents the formation of tartar, resulting in fresher breath
