• Cavi Vit Guinea Pig – 20 ml

    Cavi-Vit is specially formulated for guinea pigs. It has a high content of vitamin C, because guinea pigs cannot produce sufficient vitamin C themselves. The coat retains its gloss and elasticity and the skin stays smooth.

  • Grooming Spray – 150 ml

    Many pets enjoy being groomed. It also keeps the fur in good condition and strengthens the bond between pet and owner. Beaphar Grooming Spray is ideal for rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and other small animals. It contains almond oil, which helps the tangles slip out more easily, moisturizes the skin, and leaves the coat shining beautifully. Also ideal for show preparation.

  • Rabbit Vitamins -100ml

    Rabbit Vitamin is a liquid vitamin to help deliver the recommended daily allowance of vitamins. Add a few drops to the drinking water or mix with food to aid optimum health.
